Ando Valentine: Enthusiastic, Passionate Artistic Creator
Author: Gripping, engaging narrative fiction. Specializing in horror and drama, Ando writes with a conversational style that is easy to become immersed in.
Production: Whether capturing audio for a film project or directing a podcast, Ando has organizational skills and the leadership charisma to run a creative project.
Music: A musician since age 6, and a songwriter since age 17, Ando is no stranger to the musical stage. She has played local open mic nights and even a dedicated concert, and is a regular karaoke rock star.

Ando’s Current Focus
The project taking up Ando’s time and brain cycles is her first foray into podcasting, the original gothic horror drama, Shadows of a Dark Past. While the story itself has been rattling around in her head since the early 2000s, the current form has only taken shape within the past few years.
Shadows of a Dark Past premiered on Friday, August 21, 2020. For more information, and to subscribe to the show, visit the podcast’s dedicated website.
What can Ando do for you?
Ando Valentine is many things, among them a person who loves to creatively collaborate. Whether that be as part of a game design or writing team, a director/producer/actor for an audio/film project, or a musical bandmate, Ando has done all of this and more.
If you are interested in collaborating with Ando in some form, she would love to hear from you.